Loddie naymola investments with high returns

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  • Loddie naymola investments with high returns

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    Billion-dollar businessman answers assault warrant

    An influential Beaumont businessman turned himself in Aug. 29 at the Jefferson County Jail, then immediately paid for release on his three $100,000 bonds for charges alleging aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

    The arrest stems from the three-intersection, six-car crash for which the reportedly intoxicated 65-year-old Walter “Loddie” Naymola is accused of causing June 22 on Dowlen Rd.

    Naymola, a man who started and sold companies for more than a billion dollars and whose nickname adorns a building on the campus of Stephen F.

    Austin University, turned himself in at about 2:06 p.m. Monday and bonded out soon thereafter, according to information from the jail.

    Two TxDOT crash reports – dated June 22 and 23 – list the responsible party as “Unit 1,” identified as Naymola, a blue 2021 Dodge Ram 1500.

    Naymola began barrelling through intersections at the corner of Phelan Boulevard and Dowlen Road.” according to the first of tw