Glebe house gertrude jekyll gardens usa
Glebe house gertrude jekyll gardens usa
National Trust ...!
The House
The Glebe House, built about 1740, is celebrating its 99th year in operation in 2023 as an historic house museum and garden. It was the home of Rev.
John Rutgers Marshall, his wife Sarah, nine children and three enslaved people from 1771 to 1786 and is furnished with period furniture including a wonderful collection of furniture made in Woodbury during the 18th century.
In 1771 Woodbury's first Anglican minister, John Rutgers Marshall of New York City, arrived with his wife Sarah.
By the end of the Revolutionary War, John Marshall and his family had endured the oppression suffered by many New England Anglicans who were often presumed to be loyal to the king.
Only weeks after American independence was secure, a group of Connecticut Anglican clergy met secretly at the Glebe House to make a momentous decision; to take part in the building of a new nation while upholding their religious heritage.
The group elected the Reverend