Different parts of a newspaper test
Different parts of a newspaper test
Parts of a magazine...
Parts of a newspaper
English, Social Studies
English, Social Studies
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A newspaper printed on large paper, usually a respectable newspaper.
A newspaper about half the size of an ordinary newspaper, usually with many pictures and often featuring sensational stories.
A written notice of the death of a person, as in a newspaper, often with a biographical sketch.
A statement printed in large letters at the beginning of a newspaper article, summarizing the subject of the article.
The first page of a newspaper.
A paid notice or announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines, on radio or television, etc.
Related to one's country.
Transcending national boundaries or viewpoints.
Relating to people or companies dealing with money and credit.
An article in a newspaper, magazine, etc., that presents the opinion of the publishers or editors.