Biography of chinua achebe pdf reader
Things fall apart by chinua achebe.
Biography of chinua achebe pdf reader
Chinua Achebe: A Biography.
Page URL: HTML link: Citations:Divided into eighteen chapters of unequal length, this biography is in chronological order, enabling the reader to follow the growth of Achebe's artistic consciousness and personality.
It touches on virtually all aspects of his career and life, viz his diverse roles as a creative writer, director of the external service of the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, general editor of Heinemann African Writers Series, literary and social critic, teacher, spokesman for Biafra, and family man.
Ezenwa-Ohaeto discusses Achebe's creative works and summarizes his critical-cum-theoretical essays on the use of European languages for African literature, alien perspectives on the literature, the teaching role of the African writer, the Igbo worldview, and the necessity to construct bridges over the gulfs dividing the dive