Edward underdown real height of napoleon
Misreported Historical Facts That Are Anything But Factual
Misreported historical facts are all too common, and many commonly accepted historical “facts” are anything but factual.
Edward underdown real height of napoleon
Take the conventional wisdom that Napoleon was short. In reality, the man after whom the Napoleon complex is named was average or even a bit taller than average. Or take the conventional wisdom about medieval witch hunts.
In reality, the Middle Ages had no such thing – witch hunts belong to a different era. Below are twenty four things about those and other misreported historical facts.
24.Height of hitler
Misreported Fact: Napoleon’s Height
For many, one of the first things that come to mind when thinking about Napoleon Bonaparte is that he was short. Early in his career, even his own men referred to him as Le Petit Caporal – the Little Corporal.
In his lifetime, and for centuries afterwards, L’Empereur was cruelly mocked – especially by his British foes – for