Andrea de mathieu lehanneur biography

  • Andrea de mathieu lehanneur biography
  • Mathieu lehanneur bel-air.

    Andrea de mathieu lehanneur biography

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  • Andrea de mathieu lehanneur biography wikipedia
  • Mathieu lehanneur bel-air
  • Mathieu lehanneur wikipedia
  • Andrea de mathieu lehanneur biography images
  • Andrea, Living Air Purifier

    Upon the return of the first space flights and many analyses, NASA discovered a high level of toxic volatile compounds in the astronauts' body tissues. The American spacecraft mostly constructed of plastic, fibreglass, insulating materials and fire retardants gradually poisoned the astronauts.
    The same effect was experienced in our living spaces. Each manufactured product gives off or - more precisely - emits even several years after having been manufactured.
     This is invisible and imperceptible by humans, the products and equipment constantly give off the volatile components of which the material is made of.
    The wooden table off-gases pentachlorophenol from its' fungicides, the paint emits the trichlorethylene from its' binders (Listed N° 2 in the carcinogenic substances).

    Formaldehyde (listed as a "definite carcinogenic" by the World Health Organization) also off-gases fumes from plastic furniture, glues, insulating materials, dome